On October 31 Chuck Anderson led an ABAS field trip to Celery Bog Nature Area in West Lafayette. Fourteen birders enjoyed a clear, cool, crisp day. It was 32 degrees at the start. We began birding at a viewing platform and were able to spot and ID 11 duck species highlighted by Redhead and Northern Pintail.  Also in view were 14 Tundra Swans, 1 Trumpeter Swan,  3 White-fronted Geese, and 2 Bald Eagles. The group was then taken by a local birder to an area where they were able to get great looks at a red-morph Eastern Screech Owl. Lastly, we shifted closer to the bridge and got close looks of an Eared Grebe, a life bird for several in the group.  In all, it was a wonderful morning of birding.
Photo courtesy of Chuck Anderson.