A cloud of insects and a busy warbler tree greeted the seven birders who joined Dr. David Benson for a bird walk at the Nina Mason Pulliam Ecolab on September 21 st . After picking up Northern Flicker, Northern Cardinal, and Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, Magnolia and Black-throated Green Warblers, the group proceeded to the pond and riparian habitats where a very vocal Eastern Phoebe, a host of Cedar Waxwings, a Wood Duck fly-by, and an active Belted Kingfisher provided good looks.

Dr. Benson shared historical stories of the buildings on the property in addition to interpreting its land management. There were even birds in painted into the turn-of-the- century architcture. Over one building’s remnants Chimney Swifts took flight as American Robins fluttered at every turn.

Our last prolific patch was over a bridge where robins and starlings scattered throughout the sandbars, and several more migrants appeared- White-eyed Vireo, American Redstart, Tennessee, Chestnut-sided and yet another Black-throated Green Warbler. Overall, this migration morning cleared up for the group to tally 36 species. Thank you to Dr. Benson for sharing his knowledge and leading this birding outing.

Photo courtesy of ElenaPaulPhotograpy.