ABAS Event Calendar

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Lye Creek Prairie Burn
April 16, 2023 – 8:30 am – 11:00 am

Join Laurie Voss, ABAS Recording Secretary and experienced bird hike leader, on a field trip to the Lye Creek Prairie Burn, aka “The Burn”, in search of migrating Smith’s Longspurs and spring migrants. The Burn is located in Montgomery County and is the most reliable place for viewing Smith’s Longspurs in Indiana. We may be joined by Clint Murray who owns the property and manages it specifically for the Longspurs and other birds.

The field trip is limited to 12 participants and registration is required. ABAS members only can register prior to April 2nd, after which time, if there are spots available, anyone may register. To register email Chuck Anderson at chucka1999@aol.com or text Chuck at (317) 767-5438.

The Burn is on County Road 650 N in Montgomery County in the general area of Crawfordsville. To get there from I74 take the US 231 exit and go north just under 3 miles to County Road 550 N. Take a right on County Road 550 N for just over a mile to County Road 150 E. Take a left on County Road 150 E and continue to County Road 650 N. Take a right on County Road 650 N for less than a mile to The Burn which will be on the right. The address given is approximate. These GPS coordinates might be helpful: 40.135048, -86.863575.

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