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It should be prime time viewing for spring warblers and other migrating birds as well as local, year-round residents.

The terrain is flat and the trails are well maintained. The hike will be approximately two miles. We’ll meet in the parking lot at 8:00 am and start from there on foot. Indoor restrooms are available near the lot. Make sure to bring your binoculars and wear comfortable walking shoes. Michelle Morton, Nature Engagement Specialist at Conner Prairie will be joining us on the bird hike.

There is no fee for the field trip. However, the trip is limited to 10 participants, and registration is required. Prior to April 15, 2023, Amos Butler Audubon Society members may register by emailing Chuck Anderson at chucka1999@aol.com or texting Chuck at (317) 767-5438 to reserve your spot on the field trip. After April 15, non-members may register if there are any open spots.


Photo courtesy of Chuck Anderson

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