ABAS Event Calendar

Indiana Young Birders Network December Birding Hike
December 9, 2023 @ 9:00 am-10:00 am
Come meet and connect with other youth birders!
Are you a youth birder looking to connect with the Indiana birding community at large? Look no further than the Indiana Young Birders Network. Indiana Audubon’s Young Birders Network (IYBN) is a free community that connects youth birders and nature enthusiasts to the world of birding. Our goal is to create a safe, fun, and innovative environment for youth birders to grow and learn through hands-on birding experiences in the field, educational demonstrations, and much more.
Join us for a birding hike at Conner Prairie on December 9, 2023. Park in the guest parking lot and enter through the main entrance. We will gather there to sign waivers, use restrooms if needed, and do introductions. Birding will last for about 1 hour.
Please bring your binoculars if you already have them. We will have a limited supply of binoculars that you can borrow if needed. Dress appropriately for the weather, wear hiking boots if possible, and bring some water.
Registration is required but there is no fee to attend the hike. Parents are more than welcome to join us.
If you have questions or concerns regarding this event or the IYBN, contact Youth & Community Outreach Coordinator Rachel Brent at rbrent@indianaaudubon.org. If you have questions about Conner Prairie, contact Michelle Morton, Nature Engagement Specialist at Morton@connerprairie.org.
Website: https://www.connerprairie.org/
Photo courtesy of Indiana Audubon