ABAS Event Calendar

Kankakee Sands Sparrow Field Trip
June 30, 2019 @ 6:00 am-3:00 pm
Join Mark Welter as he leads you on a trip to Kankakee Sands in search of breeding sparrows. Kankakee Sands is a birder’s paradise for nesting prairie species. The 7,000+ acres are actively being restored to a natural prairie habitat under the protection of The Nature Conservancy. Targets for the trip will include Song, Field, Vesper, Henslow’s, Grasshopper, and Lark Sparrows. We will seek out additional species known to nest at Kankakee Sands such as Orchard Oriole and Blue Grosbeak.
We will meet at 6:00 am at the Dick’s Sporting Goods located at 6030 West 86th Street in Indianapolis and carpool to Kankakee Sands. Since the majority of this trip will be done birding by car, walking will be minimal, and we will likely stay close to the roads. Participants can expect to return to Indy around 3:00 pm. Contact Mark at shooter2_indy@yahoo.com if you have any questions. This event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required but appreciated.