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Join experienced field trip leader and expert birder Scott Enochs for a morning of birding at Morgan-Monroe State Forest.  The state forest encompasses over 25,000 acres and possesses a crucial habitat for the breeding of forest-dependent bird species.  Birds that nest there include Cerulean, Worm-eating, Kentucky, Hooded and Prothonotary Warblers, and Wood Thrush to name a few. Trails are easy to moderate.

We’ll meet at 7:30 am inside the state forest at the Bryant Creek Shelter. From Old State Road 37 take the Main Forest Road at the park entrance. You will quickly turn right on Bryanis Road The shelter is not far and at the end of Bryanis Road. The shelter’s coordinates are 39.32429,-86.47452. Make sure you dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable hiking shoes.  Don’t forget your binoculars.

That field trip is limited to 12 participants and registration is required.  Early registration for ABAS members is available until April 23rd at which time if there are any spots open, non-members may register.  To secure your spot on this attractive field trip, email Chuck Anderson at chucka1999@aol.com or text Chuck at (317) 767-5438.

Prothonotary Warbler photo courtesy of Chuck Anderson.

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