ABAS Event Calendar
Muscatatuck NWR Field Trip
April 27, 2024 @ 8:00 am-1:00 pm
Join ABAS Education Chair Jessica Helmbold as she leads you around Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge in Seymour, Indiana. Muscatatuck NWR is 7,724 acres and is one of the largest tracts of greenspace in Indiana. This south-central Indiana refuge is a flat to gently rolling mix of bottomland and upland forest, wetland, brushland and grassland habitat. The refuge has been designated as a Continentally Important Bird Area. It is a great place to observe a vast number of Indiana’s year-round and migratory water bird species as well as a large variety of spring warblers that will be migrating through in late April.
For those wanting to carpool, meet at the Walmart at County Line Road and Emerson Avenue in Greenwood at 7:00 am. Please indicate that you want to carpool when you register. Specific details about where to meet in the parking lot will be sent to attendees prior to the outing. For those wishing to drive directly to the refuge, meet at the visitor’s center at 8:00 am.
The field trip is free but limited to 10 participants and registration is required. ABAS members only can register before April 6, 2024, after which time, if there are any spots open, anyone may register. To register email Chuck Anderson at chucka1999@aol.com.