ABAS Event Calendar

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The Nina Mason Pulliam EcoLab is a wonderful place to bird watch, with over 165 different species sightings being recorded since 2002. No experience is necessary. The field trip will be led by Aidan Rominger, a well-known birder and photographer.

We will meet at the St. Francis statue just west of the Allison Mansion on the campus of Marian University at 8:00 am. The field trip is limited to 10 participants and early registration is offered to ABAS members until September 9 after which time non-members may register if there are any open spots. Don’t forget to bring your binoculars. A couple of pairs will be available to lend, if needed.

To register email Chuck Anderson at chucka1999@aol.com or text Chuck at 317-767-5438.

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