ABAS Event Calendar
6th Greenfield CBC
Meet at Jack's Donuts 1522 N State St, GreenfieldJoin the Greenfield Birders for a day birding in and around Greenfield. Don’t worry if you can only come for a couple of hours, or even just watch your feeders from home. All levels of involvement and skill are welcome. We will meet at Jack’s Donuts on Highway 9 in Greenfield where breakfast will be provided. To sign-up to be part of the Greenfield CBC, please contact Adam Wilson at NikonBirdHunter@gmail.com or contact Adam on Facebook.
Johnson County CBC
Johnson County Parks 2949 E. North Street, NinevehThis Christmas Bird Count will meet at the Johnson County Park office at 8:00 am. To participate, please contact Mike Clay at mclay100@gmail.com.
Eagle Creek Valley CBC
Eagle Creek Park Ornithology Center 6515 Delong Road, IndianapolisThe Eagle Creek Valley Christmas Bird Count, sponsored by ABAS, takes place within a 15-mile-diameter circle covering the northwest side of Indianapolis, with the center being in Eagle Creek Park. To participate, please reach out to the count coordinator, Aidan Rominger, by December 1st so birding teams can be formed and count plans made in advance. Call the Ornithology Center at (317) 327-2473, or email aidan.rominger@indy.gov.
Eagle Creek Bird Hikes – CANCELED
Eagle Creek Park Ornithology Center 6515 Delong Road, IndianapolisEach Sunday year-round at Eagle Creek Park. Meet us at 9:00 am at the Ornithology Center. This event is free, though a gate fee to Eagle Creek Park applies.