Join our naturalist staff and other guest leaders Sunday and Wednesday mornings and we will learn together. This will be a great opportunity for birdwatchers of all levels.
Join our naturalist staff and other guest leaders Sunday and Wednesday mornings and we will learn together. This will be a great opportunity for birdwatchers of all levels.
Indiana Wildlife Federation is partnering with ABAS for a day of birding at one of Indiana's hottest migratory waterfowl viewing locations. Spend the day with expert birders. Hear about the work of the International Crane Foundation in Indiana. Learn how IWF helped in the creation of Goose Pond. Registration required and full details about the trip will be emailed to you closer to the date.
Join Scott Enochs in a walk through West Park in search of American Woodcock. Woodcocks have a very acrobatic mating display that they perform at dusk, and West Park offers an up-close view of this display.
Join our naturalist staff and other guest leaders Sunday and Wednesday mornings and we will learn together. This will be a great opportunity for birdwatchers of all levels.
Join ABAS Board member Amy Hodson as she shares stories from a whirlwind of a year that got her to 302 species as well as the highlights, the misses, and the stories in between. This program will be conversational, so bring your questions and we will see you there!
The Nina Mason Pulliam EcoLab is a wonderful place to bird watch, with over 165 different species sightings being recorded since 2002. Meet at the St. Francis statue next to Allison Mansion on the north end of campus at 8 a.m., every Wednesday from March 14 to May 2.
Join our naturalist staff and other guest leaders Sunday and Wednesday mornings and we will learn together. This will be a great opportunity for birdwatchers of all levels.
Join ABAS Education Chair and waterfowl enthusiast Jessica Helmbold for a crash course on Indiana's Waterfowl. After the course, we will have lunch in the park and explore Eagle Creek Reservoir for waterfowl. Then in following weekends, weather dependent, we will make excursions to Muscatatuck NWR and Goose Pond for further study. Details about the two additional field trip opportunities will be emailed to workshop participants, posted on our Facebook page, and posted on the ABAS web site. You may join us just for the lecture, any of the field trips, or all events. For details, contact RSVPs are appreciated, though not required.
Join Mark Welter for a trip to Goose Pond FWA in search of waterfowl. Located in Greene County just south of the town of Linton, Goose Pond’s 8000+ acres represent Indiana’s largest and most successful habitat restoration project. Since its completion in 2008, Goose Pond has been a magnet for migrating waterfowl, waders, shorebirds, and songbirds. Mid-March can be expected to produce an interesting mix of lingering winter birds and early Spring arrivals.
The Nina Mason Pulliam EcoLab is a wonderful place to bird watch, with over 165 different species sightings being recorded since 2002. Meet at the St. Francis statue next to Allison Mansion on the north end of campus at 8 a.m., every Wednesday from March 14 to May 2.
Join our naturalist staff and other guest leaders Sunday and Wednesday mornings and we will learn together. This will be a great opportunity for birdwatchers of all levels.
Join a naturalist at the Great Blue Heron rookery in Hamilton County. We will spend the majority of the time watching and talking about the Great Blue Herons, who should be busily courting and tending their nests.
Join the Amos Butler Audubon Society for an evening at Blind Owl Brewing. We will meet from 6-8 p.m. to collectively share our birding experiences and adventures at this informal gathering.
Join our naturalist staff and other guest leaders Sunday and Wednesday mornings and we will learn together. This will be a great opportunity for birdwatchers of all levels.
The Nina Mason Pulliam EcoLab is a wonderful place to bird watch, with over 165 different species sightings being recorded since 2002. Meet at the St. Francis statue next to Allison Mansion on the north end of campus at 8 a.m., every Wednesday from March 14 to May 2.
Join our naturalist staff and other guest leaders Sunday and Wednesday mornings and we will learn together. This will be a great opportunity for birdwatchers of all levels.