Feature Articles
Restored Property Attracts a Rufous Hummingbird
Learn more about how a restored property attracted a Rufous Hummingbird
Becoming a Bird Trainer
Jenna McElroy is a Certified Professional Bird Trainer. What does that mean? In this month's feature article learn from Jenna what that means and how she got there.
Indiana’s Whooping Cranes: A Brief History and Call to Action
Learn more about Whooping Cranes in Indiana and what the International Crane Foundation is doing to help them.
Birding Johnson County
Learn about Stephen and Susan Nawrocki's recommendations for birding in Johnson County.
Eagle Creek Celebrates 50 Years
Eagle Creek Park is celebrating its 50-year anniversary on June 10. Admission that day is $1, and there is a free concert with food trucks at the beach starting at 5:30 pm. Eagle Creek Park is a 5,300-acre park blessed with a variety of habitats that make for excellent birding all year. One can see 30+ warbler species during spring and fall migration, lots of waterfowl, forest and grassland species, and even shorebirds when the reservoir levels are right. Eagles once again nest in the park.
The Harmful Effects of Mosquito Fogging
In the past few years in Indianapolis, the number of companies promising to rid backyards of mosquitos has gone up dramatically. Read on to see what Mary Ellen Gadski has learned about the harmful effects on ourselves and the birds.
ABAS Supported Chimney Swift Tower in Greenfield
A tower was erected in Greenfield's Beckenholdt Park in 2021 and streaming cameras were installed in 2022 through the efforts of Greenfield Birders and the Greenfield Parks Department.
Seven Different Ways to Go Birding in Boone County
Boone County should be at the top of any list of best birding destinations in central Indiana because it has a lot to offer in terms of woodland and grassland birds, including the unusual "grasspiper" shorebirds. The challenge of finding specific families of birds is one of the reasons I enjoy Boone County so much. However, I may be biased toward this type of birding. While I've spent most of the last five years exploring Zionsville for my five-mile radius list, I've always made time to venture to the county's outskirts to see what's out there — and so should you.
Lights Out Indy Making Steady Progress
Lights Out Indy (LOI) is ready to kick off our 2022 season. Looking to build on the success of 2021. What made 2021 such a great year? LOI reached out to the City-County Council of Indianapolis and Marion County to support our initiative. We are pleased to announce that 16 members of that legislative body agreed to support LOI. This was followed by major downtown buildings agreeing to participate in turning lights out during migration.
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