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Valentine’s Day and Birds
Welcome to our first featured article. This month we have a submission from Jessica Helmbold, the ABAS Education Chair. This was originally going to be our February program at Holliday. Unfortunately, we canceled that gathering due to COVID concerns. However, Jessica has shared a portion of what she was going to tell us about birds and their association with Valentine's Day. Click Read More or the title to see the full article.
Birding at the Lakefront in January
Nine birders gathered at Washington Park in Michigan City at 8:00 am local time on January 8. The temp was in the mid-teens and a strong wind was out of the southeast, but at least we didn’t get sandblasted. All were greeted by Eric and Tina Rosier, the field trip leaders.
Laurie Voss Joins ABAS Board
We are pleased to announce the addition of Laurie Voss to the Board of Directors. Laurie will be the Recording Secretary and serve on the Executive Committee. Laurie's knowledge of birds, experience in the local birding community, and administrative skills are a welcome addition. Laurie fills an opening from Joanna Scott. Joanna just left the Board as she moves on with her life. Most of you will remember her as Joanna Woodruff. With her new husband, they will be starting a family in the next few months. We all wish Joanna the best in her new roles. We also want to thank Joanna for her almost six years of service on the Board and as our Recording Secretary.
LifeLines Jan/Feb 2022
Indiana Winter Birding; 2021 Field Trips Review; County Birding – Hancock County; January Program: Exploring Costa Rica; February Program: For the Love of Birds: How Birds Played into the History of Valentine’s Day; Lakefront Field Trip; Great Backyard Bird Count Caravan; Local Bird Hikes
LifeLines Nov/Dec 2021
A BIG Year; Meet our New President — Chuck Anderson; Lights Out Indy Gains Traction; County Birding Around the ABAS Service Area — Hamilton County; November Program: Bobcats of Indiana; December Program: Adventures in Bird Training; Goose Pond Field Trip; Beers with Birders at Ash & Elm; Field Trip Recaps; Local Bird Hikes
DNR Okays Birdfeeding in all Counties of Indiana
Residents throughout Indiana may again put out their feeders if they are comfortable doing so and are not observing sick or dead birds in their yards. DNR strongly encourages residents who do so to clean seed and suet feeders at least once every two weeks by scrubbing feeders with soap and water, followed by a short soak in a 10% bleach solution.
LifeLines Sept/Oct 2021
Birdathon Fundraising Record; Mark Welter's Top 5 Sites for Fall Migration; September Program: Bats of Indiana — and Beyond; October Program: Brown Bears of McNeil River; Field Trips to: Strawtown-Koteewi, McCloud Nature Park, Eagle Creek Park, Lye Creek Prairie Burn — Fall Sparrows, Celery Bog — Waterfowl; Local Bird Hikes and More
LifeLines May/Jun 2021
The Harmful Effects of Mosquito Fogging; Help Track the Effects of Climate Change — and Help the Birds You Love; Birdathon 2021; May Program: Birding Belize: It’s UnBELIEZEable!; Sodalis Nature Park Spring Hike; Bird Hike at Marott Park & Nature Preserve; Spring Birding at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge; Newfields Bird Hike; More Local Hikes; Field Trip Recap
LifeLines Mar/Apr 2021
A Plea to Change Traditions at Indianapolis Motor Speedway; Early Spring Migration in Central Indiana; Behind The Lens –Adam Wilson; How Birdability Came to Be; March Program: Ecological Consequences of Climate Change through Phenology; April Program: An Introduction to Bird and Nature Photography (SOLD OUT); Woodcock Walks; Smith’s Longspur Field Trip – Lye Creek Prairie Burn; Spring Migrant Hike at Sargent Road Nature Park; Local Hikes; Field Trip Recaps