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LifeLines Nov/Dec 2017

Whooping Cranes in Indiana; ABAS and Holliday Park Collaboration; Starting a Local Bird Walk; Ted Meyer Wins Donna McCarty Volunteer Service Award; November Program: Banding Saw-whet Owls in the Indiana Dunes!; December Program: 30 Years of Birding for Bucks; Christmas Bird Counts; Upcoming Events and lots more.

November 1st, 2017|

Birdathon Marks 30 Years

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Amos Butler Audubon Society Birdathon. With this year’s donations of $25,670, we have raised a grand total of $720,675 since 1987. It would not be possible to continue such an endeavor without the generous support of our donors, volunteers, and teams who have shown a remarkable commitment to our mission to promote the stewardship and enjoyment of the birds of central Indiana. The Noddy Little Gulls team took top honors as the fundraising champs followed by Bud & Carl’s Legacy team. Our cycling team, Carbon Neutral, placed third. The highest species count turned in by any team was 177 by the Horned Grebes.

July 30th, 2017|

Albino Sparrow in Morgan County

Lori Braden found this sparrow on May 25. She was visiting a home about 5 miles southeast of Mooresville. From her picture, it certainly seems as thought this is an albino house sparrow. It completely lacks any color pigmentation though it's eyes appear to be a bit darker. Some believe encountering a white bird or animal brings luck. Click "Read More >" below to see the photo and learn more.

May 30th, 2017|
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