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Daubenspeck Community Nature Park
Although the fall migrants didn't feel like cooperating at Daubenspeck Community Nature Park on this beautiful morning, that didn't stop the group of 20+ participants from having a ton of fun!
Birdathon 2016 – Another Record Breaking Year
Birdathon 2016 has promoted our mission to benefit the enjoyment and stewardship of the birds of central Indiana by funding eight outstanding grants. One team set a new Birdathon species count record while another was named fundraising champs.
LifeLines Sept/Oct 2016
Birdathon Report; Nesting Boxes at Holliday Park; Birding with Children; September Program: Gardening for Birds; October Program: Gene Stratton-Porter; Fall Field Trips; Bird Banding at Mary Gray; Wetlands Workshop
Suds & Swifts
Join ABAS President, Rob Ripma, and Treasurer Ted Meyer for an evening out with Chimney Swifts!
Piping Plover Field Trip
The Piping Plover field trip last weekend was a success! It's always nice when the species we set out to see decides to show up for the group! Big thanks to those that spotted the bird and helped to get the ENTIRE group a view!
Coffee & Birds
Are you a coffee lover like me? Do you love birds? Why not support coffee growing that supports birds and produces some of the best coffee?
Ruff in Indiana
Many birders were able to see a Ruff, a rare shorebird in North America, in Hancock County on Sunday after it was found by Don Gorney. The female bird is in the foreground in the photo.
LifeLines May/Jun 2016
Feeding the Spirit at Local Long-term Care Facilities; Caribbean Biological Corridor in Guatemala; Birdathon 2016 Grantees; May Program: The History of Goose Pond; Lots of Upcoming Field Trips; Tribute Program in Memory of Liz Day
American White Pelicans
American White Pelicans have arrived in large numbers at Goose Pond Fish and Wildlife Area, Greene Co, IN!