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New Carlsen Aviary at the Eagle Creek Ornithology Center
Read about the New Carlsen Aviary at the Eagle Creek Ornithology Center and the carpenter behind it's construction, Kevin Carlsen.
Meet Michelle Morton
Meet Michelle Morton - The new Program Chair for ABAS!
Lye Creek Burn Field Trip
A small but eager group of birders joined Laurie Voss, the field trip leader, looking for Fall warblers at the “Burn”.
Sodalis Nature Park Hike
On a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning, several birders joined bird hike leader Scott Enochs for a morning of birding.
UPDATE: Save the Eagle Creek Forest
The Indiana Forest Alliance has released a statement acknowledging the end to a proposal to rezone 200 acres of forest near Eagle Creek.
Witnessing a Summer’s Story
Olivia Bautch writes about the term "bluebirder" and what all goes into a full breeding season for the Eastern Bluebird.
Nina Mason Pulliam Ecolab Field Trip
Eight eager birders joined field trip leader Aidan Rominger at 8:00 am for a morning of birding at the Nina Mason Pulliam Ecolab in Indianapolis, IN.
Marott Woods Nature Preserve Bird Hike
On Saturday, September 16th at 8:00 am, 18 birders gathered at Marott Woods Nature Preserve in Indianapolis for a bird hike. The hike was led by ABAS members Chuck Anderson, Becky Lomax-Sumner and Becky Heck.
Save The Eagle Creek Forest from Commercial Rezoning
Save The Eagle Creek Forest from Commercial Rezoning